About Us
Forward Thinking, Quality-Minded, Environmentally Focused
BPM has been operating as a paper mill in Peshtigo, WI since 1919. Though the name has changed through the years, the integrity and quality have stayed the same.
BPM is proud of its commitment to the environment and community. We look forward to working together to reduce the environmental footprint by manufacturing responsible paper products.

BPM has launched aggressive energy-saving efforts and continues to investigate new technologies to find more ways to save energy throughout our mill. We are constantly improving equipment operations, efficiency, and preventative maintenance procedures.
From our efforts, we have saved over a million kilowatt-hours of electricity and thousands of therms of natural gas annually. BPM's environmental citizenship includes the conservation of natural resources and exploring new opportunities to protect the air we breathe and the land on which we live.

Green trees, freshwater, and blue skies frame the small town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin. Miles of river wind peacefully through thousands of acres of forest land in this beautiful Northeast Wisconsin community.
BPM is continually giving back to the local community by sponsoring Earth Day clean-up events, local sports teams, non-profit organizations, food pantries, schools, churches, and local events.